Nifty Lift Parts Manual

Manuals and Drawings Here you can search for manuals and technical drawings (schematics) for your Niftylift. To search for a machine enter the serial number in the box and click 'Search'.

Here you can search for operating manuals, parts manuals and technical drawings (schematics) for your Niftylift.

To search for a machine enter the serial number in the box and click 'Search'.

Nifty Lift Replacement Parts


Please note:

Nifty Lift Tm50 Parts Manual

  • To access technical drawings you will need to be logged in.
  • For machines built before 2009 the search feature may not return a result. In this case you will need to contact our service department on +44 (0)1908 857899, or send an email to
  • There is no need to enter the prefix number, just enter the numbers that come after the prefix. (Niftylift serial numbers have prefixes, for example, 04, 17, 21 etc.)
  • If you are unsure of your machine's serial number, you will find it on the machine's Serial Plate.
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Not sure what you're looking for? Speak to a member of our team today!

To make accessing Niftylift Operating and Safety Manuals (including short-form instructions*) quicker and easier, we have moved the Operating Manual Search page to a location that doesn't require you to be logged in.


This means that any person who is about to operate a Niftylift can now download the Operating & Safety Manual (or short-form instructions*) for that machine without needing a My Nifty account or needing to register on the site in any way.

This has been done as a service to all Niftylift owners and operators to ensure that Operating and Safety information is always available, completely free-of-charge, as simply and as quickly as possible.

Niftylift strongly recommends that anyone who is about to operate a Niftylift access platform should read and fully understand the Operating and Safety Instructions for that machine before use.

* Where available