- Scantron Performance Series Scoring Guide 2016 Printable
- Scantron Performance Series Scoring Guide 2016 Printable
- Scantron Performance Series Scoring
Scantron Performance Series User’s Guide 9 Chapter 2: Using Assessment Scantron’s Performance Series is a powerful, secure web-based assessment platform you can use to administer computer-adaptive diagnostic tests, capture results, and produce standards-based reports. You can administer tests online and access the results immediately. Scantron Performance Series Alabama Summative Results and Parent’s Guide ENGAGE, EDUCATE, INSPIRE How might a parent help a child at home? Work with your child on skills such as: using a basic calculator using laptops or computers Composing, keyboard skills using a dictionary reading directions from a cook book, a cereal box, or a road map. Scantron Performance Series Scoring Guide 2013 Getting the books scantron performance series scoring guide 2013 now is not type of challenging means. You could not isolated going bearing in mind ebook increase or library or borrowing from your contacts to contact them. This is an agreed simple means to specifically get guide by on-line. A Parent's Guide to Performance Series. Performance Series® by Scantron as their diagnostic and placement tool. During the 2015–2016 academic year, the Scantron stan-dardized test was piloted in several of our schools. Students, parents, and teach.
Performance Series®
Administered over time, Performance Series provides a longitudinal view of student growth in core curriculum areas (Reading, English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science).
Read the Brochure
Available Measures
- Scaled Scores
- National Percentile Ranking
- Normal Curve Equivalents
- Grade Level Estimate
- Performance Band Rating
- Reading Rate
- Lexile® Measure for Reading (see Instructional Resources: The Lexile Measure for Reading for details)
1 + 1 = 2
Scantron’s two-part solution combines this research-based, content-rich computer adaptive test known as Performance Series and a content-neutral, highly flexible testing product known as Achievement Series®. Educators love using this combination to develop and administer online and paper-based tests. It’s the complete package.
Features & Benefits
Personalized Testing |
Individualized Learning |
Insightful Reports | Performance Series gives an accurate portrait of each student’s instructional level over a wide breadth of knowledge:
Immediate Results |
Web-Based | 24-hour access to data from any computer with Internet access and from many mobile devices |
How It Works
Save Time
- No test creation needed—all tests and items are predefined and backed by decades of research and a rigorous development process designed and implemented by Scantron’s content experts.
- We maintain the tests continuously, adding new items, removing stale content, and aligning items to evolving state and other educational standards.
- Results provide multiple scores for individual placement and learning targets, class grouping, and program evaluations, including national norm comparisons, national percentile ranking, Lexile® measures on Reading tests, and much more
- Limited setup necessary—once student data is imported, students simply log in from an internet enabled device (PC, Mac, iPad, Kindle, Chromebook, with Android coming soon), select the subject area, and begin testing.
- Express form testing available; ask your representative
Scantron Performance Series Scoring Guide 2016 Printable
Reach More Students
With Performance Series, students take individualized tests that automatically adjust to each student’s ability level. Struggling students are supported with questions they can answer, reducing their frustration. High-achieving students are challenged with more difficult items, increasing their engagement. The result is a more accurate understanding of student knowledge across the classroom.
Results for Everyone
With Performance Series, you get much more than a single score. Teachers, committees, administrators, students, and parents all see results that help answer their questions.
- Class performance by skill is available to help teachers create targeted learning groups
- Average growth by custom group is available to assist in program evaluation
- Trends across years and percentile rank provide parents the view they need to understand how their student is performing against his or her past performance and against their national peers
Scantron Performance Series Scoring Guide 2016 Printable
Report Benefits
Performance Series offers extensive reporting so you can get the most out of your scores:
- Student and Parent reports cover growth trends, specific scores, and skills that need additional focus, in both English and Spanish
- Teacher reports show class and student profiles, with skills directly connected to instructional resources, showing current performance and gains analysis data
- Administrative reports summarize results, providing extensive aggregation and disaggregation by demographics and other critical student data
Add Scantron Analytics for Deeper Understanding
Scantron Performance Series Scoring
Adding Scantron Analytics makes it easy to see your growth and benchmark results in context with other crucial student data such as attendance, discipline, grades, and other assessments. Trends and patterns emerge, enabling you to design interventions and remediation to accelerate student growth.