Key Software Oracle Olr Cannot Be Opened.error 2

Ora-7445エラーは基本的に発生条件を特定してサポートに調査してもらう、しか対処方法がありません。 それに r11.2.0.1 はもう古いリリースと認識されているため、r11.2.0.2/ に上げてはどうか、と言われる可能性も高いです。. The database starts up fine and both the listener and our application are able to communicate with it but after 10-15 minutes, the listener will report ORA-12518 and the only errors I can find are in the clsc.log and css.log, these state; 2012-03-23 12:21:03.312: default2004utreadreg:2:ocr registry key SOFTWARE Oracle olr cannot be.

  1. Registry Key Software Oracle Olr Cannot Be Opened. Error 2
  2. Key Software Oracle Olr Cannot Be Opened.error 2 Release
  3. Key Software Oracle Olr Cannot Be Opened.error 2 0

Registry Key Software Oracle Olr Cannot Be Opened. Error 2

Hi guys,
I've got a problem and try'n to solve it for abt a week now and tried many solutions.
My enviroment:
Windows 7 Professional SP 1 64-Bit
AMD Phenom II x4 940 @3.0 GH
4 GB RAM (In Usage while installing 40%)
Windows-Firewall is activated (but oracle.exe and lstnr.exe are configured as exception)
avast! Free Antivirus Version 2014.9.0.2018
Installation (both times with same outcome):
Installed O 11g XE 64-Bit in two different ways:
User I was logged in with is in Admingroup
Started installation via rightclick with administrationprivileges
I activated the administrators account and logged in with adminprivileges.
After that I've installed the 11g XE 64 bit
between both steps I cleaned everything up and restarted my system, registry was empty too and folder was deleted manually
at first I get this problem: Windows cannot find ''
-> Manually changing %HTTPORT% to 8080
--> now I could doubleclick the shortcut, Firefox/IE/Chrome opens but 404 not Found-Error is returned
- OracleServiceXE, XracleXETNListener both are running
C:Windowssystem32>lsnrctl status
LSNRCTL for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 04-NOV-2014 18:02
Copyright (c) 1991, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00511: No listener
64-bit Windows Error: 2: No such file or directory
Version TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version - Produ
Start Date 04-NOV-2014 13:53:50
Uptime 0 days 4 hr. 9 min. 9 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON: Local OS Authentication
Listener Log File C:oraclexeapporaclediagtnslsnrD³rsinKurt-PClist
Listening Endpoints Summary...
The listener supports no services
The command completed successfully
so Listenerservice is up and running but I cant find the http 8080-Service with netstat -a
so I started investigating a bit more:
Registryfolder: HK_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREORACLE is installed
following subdirectories are installed: KEY_XE, ODP.NET, OracleMTSRecoveryService
What I tried (both ways, starting with and without adminstrationprivileges):
I created two new DWORD-Values in KEY_XE ORACLE_SID_AUTOSTART and -SHUTDOWN both with the value True and stopped and started the services, nothing changes.
Inserted both users (Administrator and normal User) in ORA_DBA-Group, nothing changes, even tried to turn it off and on again
wanted to connect to sqlplus via console:
C:Windowssystem32>sqlplus system
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Di Nov 4 18:09:21 2014
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter password:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
Process ID: 0
Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0
Enter user-name:
when I start the sqlplus-prompt directly and write the command startup I get the following msg: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
I looked into the ORA_BASE-Folder and looked at the oradat folder, it contains a XE-Folder which is empty, the admin-folder contains: XE/ and adump, dpdump and pfile, all three are empty (what does this mean? No DB at all created?)
I watched the ORA_HOME-Folder and found initXE.ora, oradba.exe, oradim and PWDXE.ora
I looked into the oradim.txt-Log:
Tue Nov 04 11:21:17 2014
C:oraclexeapporacleproduct11.2.0serverbinoradim.exe -shutdown -sid xe -usrpwd * -shutmode immediate -log oradim.log
Tue Nov 04 11:21:55 2014
ORA-01012: not logged on
Tue Nov 04 11:23:01 2014
C:oraclexeapporacleproduct11.2.0serverbinoradim.exe -startup -sid xe -usrpwd * -log oradim.log -nocheck 0
Tue Nov 04 11:23:38 2014
ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
ORA-01565: error in identifying file 'C:oraclexeapporacleproduct11.2.0serverdbs/spfileXE.ora'
ORA-27041: unable to open file
OSD-04002: unable to open file
O/S-Error: (OS 2) Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
--> bingo, 1st Issue: there is no spfileXE.ora, how can I create this? plus in the dbs-folder there is only a init.ora and no initXE.ora?
Looked into the log-Folder 5 files starting with clscX.txt (probably after every systemreboot? containing the following:
Oracle Database 11g Clusterware Release - Production Copyright 1996, 2010 Oracle. All rights reserved.
2014-11-04 13:53:52.197: [ default][5576]ut_read_reg:2:ocr registry key SOFTWAREOracleolr cannot be opened. error 2
[ CLSE][5576]clse_get_crs_home: Error retrieving OLR configuration [0] [Error opening olr registry key. The system couldn't find the file.
-> Systemlanguage is german, so I've translated the german parts, maybe there was smth lost in translation
--> 2nd Issue: Is there any regkey missing?
further I watched the folder ORACLE_HOME /server/config/home cloesly:
SQL> Create controlfile reuse set database 'XE'
7 Datafile
8 'C:oraclexeapporacleoradataXEsystem.dbf',
9 'C:oraclexeapporacleoradataXEundotbs1.dbf',
10 'C:oraclexeapporacleoradataXEsysaux.dbf',
11 'C:oraclexeapporacleoradataXEusers.dbf'
13 GROUP 1 SIZE 51200K,
14 GROUP 2 SIZE 51200K,
SP2-0640: Not connected
SQL> exec dbms_backup_restore.zerodbid(0);
SP2-0640: Not connected
SP2-0641: 'EXECUTE' requires connection to server
SQL> shutdown immediate;
ORA-01012: not logged on
SQL> startup nomount pfile='C:oraclexeapporacleproduct11.2.0serverconfigscriptsinitXETemp.ora';
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
SQL> startup nomount pfile='C:oraclexeapporacleproduct11.2.0serverconfigscriptsinit.ora';
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
SQL> @C:oraclexeapporacleproduct11.2.0serverconfigscriptsrmanRestoreDatafiles.sql;
SQL> set echo off;
SP2-0640: Not connected
SP2-0640: Not connected
SP2-0640: Not connected
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
SQL> spool C:oraclexeapporacleproduct11.2.0serverconfiglogcloneDBCreation.log
QL> connect 'SYS'/'********' as SYSDBA
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
SQL> set echo on
SQL> //create or replace directory DB_BACKUPS as 'C:oraclexeapporaclefast_recovery_area';
SP2-0103: Nothing in SQL buffer to run.
SQL> begin
2 dbms_xdb.sethttpport('8080');
3 dbms_xdb.setftpport('0');
4 end;
5 /
SP2-0640: Not connected
SQL> create spfile='C:oraclexeapporacleproduct11.2.0serverdbs/spfileXE.ora' FROM pfile='C:oraclexeapporacleproduct11.2.0serverconfigscriptsinit.ora';
SP2-0640: Not connected
SQL> shutdown immediate;
ORA-01012: not logged on
SQL> connect 'SYS'/'&&sysPassword' as SYSDBA
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
SQL> @C:oraclexeapporacleproduct11.2.0serverrdbmsadmindbmssml.sql;
SP2-0310: unable to open file 'C:oraclexeapporacleproduct11.2.0serverrdbmsadmindbmssml.sql'
SQL> @C:oraclexeapporacleproduct11.2.0serverrdbmsadmindbmsclr.plb;
SP2-0640: Not connected
SP2-0640: Not connected
2 a000000
3 1
4 abcd
5 abcd
6 abcd
7 abcd
8 abcd
9 abcd
10 abcd
11 abcd
12 abcd
13 abcd
14 abcd
15 abcd
16 abcd
17 abcd
18 abcd
19 16
20 51 8d
24 /
SP2-0640: Not connected
SP2-0640: Not connected
SP2-0640: Not connected
XE :
Instance created.
So hopefully thats enough Information
thank you in advance
Dürsin Kurt

OK guys I've found it out:
Problem was, the XE.bat-Script couldn't add me to the ORA_DBA-Group.
Reason: my Computername and my username, both had a vowel mutation 'ü'.
Reason it didn't work at my business-laptop too, both have my 'Ü' in the username

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    I have a problem with Oracle 11g(32 bit) installation on windows 7 ultimate edition (32 bit).
    I have successfully installed it immediately after OS installation. But today, i have decided to deinstall it and go for Oracle 10g version for 32 bit.
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    Now i tried to deinstall it and again go for 11g. But even the same story here..
    Can anybody give me a solution for this..
    Rajesh Menon

    Saqib Alam wrote:
    i recently install Oracle 11g R1 on windows 7 ultimate, i installed it and working perfectly.
    ur problem is that u install latest version and now u trying to installing old version.
    now u need to uninstall 10g and delete oracle from services, if the probleme presist then u should
    install fresh windows 7.
    SaqibNo need to install a fresh OS. That's like tearing your house down just because you wired a lamp wrong and blew a circuit breaker.
    There are MeaLink notes on how to eradicate an Oracle install from Windows, but it boils down to this:
    Stop all Oracle services
    In the registery:
    - Delete all oracle services from the register (HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSet
    - Delete the entire Oralce folder from HKLMSoftware
    Delete the ORACLE_HOME directory and any other Oracle related directories/files. Offhand, it seems like there is an Oracle directory under Program Files.

  • I installed the full
    Oracle 11g ODAC with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio
    now I am at the good old '[ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified]' error.
    I copied the same tnsnames.ora as used on the db server
    onto the client 'C:Oracleproduct11.1.0client_2NetworkAdmin'.
    The host name is right since a normal ping works. TNSping is not available.
    but I get the [ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified] error.
    The listener is running and the instance as well since it all works on the source server.
    I tried it with
    SET path=c:oracleproduct11.1.0client_2bin
    but tnsping is still not recognized.
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    what is going on...

    u can post your query here, and i think everyone here is to share opinion so do not hesitate to do so and please try to google before posting here,
    and we know no one is expert like some people saying 'boring questions' you just try to overcome your problem and you will definitly get your problem solved .
    some mpeople ar still there who answeres hopeless questions and say nothing about them but when a fresher askin a qustion is not tolarated by them they think everyone is born DBA here
    they always tend to discouraging people here on forums,and i think they are vvolunteers to reduce crowd here on forums, inspite of there experience and people respect them they can not control their anger
    so please post you tns here, i think there are ways to ask people to google and search docs first, but not like this
    thanks and regards
    Edited by: vikrant dixit on Jun 29, 2009 4:33 AM

  • Hi all,
    we changed our database 10g on W2K3 to 11g with Win 2008 server on weekend
    Since yesterday we have problems with the database. On monday we had no problems.
    The problems begun on tuesday. The assemly lines are connecting to the server with a tnsnames.ora, who placed on a networkshare.
    here the tnsnames.ora:
    # TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: C:Oracleproduct10.2.0client_1NETWORKADMINtnsnames.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = caq01)(PORT = 1521))
    (SID = qsys)
    Every PC on the assembly lines has this tnsnames.ora and a connection to the mapping M:
    Today we had already the same problem. Some PCs got a connection to the DB and some got suddenly no connection.
    After 15 minutes diagnostics we stopped and started the db.
    The PCs got after the restart a connection.
    On the clients is the oracle client 10g installed, but I think thats not the problem.
    I don't know whats the problem can be.
    I hope you can help me or have some idea's?
    The TNSnames.ora on the server:
    # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: D:Oracleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1networkadmintnsnames.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    ORALB1 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SID = CLRExtProc)
    The first problem we solved yesterday, we had two oralb1 entrences in the dns as static.
    One of them we deleted.
    The dns should be not a problem now.
    an idea? I hope so....
    thanks for reading.

    852138 wrote:
    Hi all,
    we changed our database 10g on W2K3 to 11g with Win 2008 server on weekend
    Since yesterday we have problems with the database. On monday we had no problems.
    The problems begun on tuesday. The assemly lines are connecting to the server with a tnsnames.ora, who placed on a networkshare.
    here the tnsnames.ora:
    # TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: C:Oracleproduct10.2.0client_1NETWORKADMINtnsnames.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = caq01)(PORT = 1521))
    (SID = qsys)
    Every PC on the assembly lines has this tnsnames.ora and a connection to the mapping M:
    Today we had already the same problem. Some PCs got a connection to the DB and some got suddenly no connection.There must be some clue .. a tns error message ...
    After 15 minutes diagnostics we stopped and started the db.
    The PCs got after the restart a connection.
    On the clients is the oracle client 10g installed, but I think thats not the problem.
    I don't know whats the problem can be.
    I hope you can help me or have some idea's?
    The TNSnames.ora on the server:tnsnames is used only by client processes. When you say 'on the server' are you talking about the one pointed to by the IFILE in the local tnsnames shown above? If not, if this just happens to be the tnsnames on the database server, then it has no bearing on your problem.
    # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: D:Oracleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1networkadmintnsnames.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    ORALB1 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SID = CLRExtProc)
    The first problem we solved yesterday, we had two oralb1 entrences in the dns as static.
    One of them we deleted.
    The dns should be not a problem now.
    an idea? I hope so....
    At a previous employer we used a shared tnsnames file. It was not on the db server but on a file server, specifically for shareing. Occasionally there would be an issue with the network connection to that file server, or our dimwit SA would change the sharing permissions. Of course he claimed there was no issue on his end and I had to take my own network traces to prove it was.
    thanks for reading.

  • Today i have download to try Oracle 11g , my system supports database system
    requirerments and into installation progress my antivirus software find some troyan horses and my antivirus software is ordinary not powerfull .Do someone have the same problem?

    Yes, Trojan found in ott.exe. I believe this may be a false alarm because of its filename, which is the name of a known malware. Only some antivirus detected it.
    Since it's just one file, use whatever your antivirus has for isolating it, or just delete it.

  • Hello,
    My home machine (win 7) suffered from hardware failure.
    My backup seems to be unusable.
    Fortunately I had the data folder on a separate drive so all my database files are safe.
    Is it possible to install a fresh 11g XE and use the database files to restore the data?

    >> but the tablespace is totaly empty
    That is what REUSE does when adding a datafile.
    When datafiles from an old instance are available, they can be added to the instance by recreating the controlfile(s), either a) adjust the CONTROL_FILES parameter to point at new filename(s), or b) just move (or remove) all the instance controlfiles, shutdown immediate; startup nomount, do the CREATE CONTROLFILE ... ; DDL, alter database open resetlotgs; and recreate the tempfile(s).
    See the post How to and when to recreate control files. for a nice how-to.
    Basically the create controlfile steps bring the old instance back to life (aka reincarnate). The important bit can be had by doing an alter database backup controlfile to trace; as mentioned in one of the comments, trace file with the DDL is created in the instance trace folder with the create controlfile... and other bits of info.
    One caveat, if the instance was open datafile recovery is required before opening the database, and will require the archivelog files to redo committed transactions and rollback uncommitted transactions. If the instance was not in archivelog mode, the old redo logfiles *might* have enough info for the recovery. Or they may not- that is a risk of noarchivelog mode.

  • Sir,
    I m having a problem with oracle 11g. I m having oracle 9i working is good with oracle 9i but from my installation of oracle 11g i cant find the url of isqlplus. can I work with browser in 11g or not for queries.

    can I work with browser in 11g When you install Oracle 11g you have also APEX (this is a new feature) which is an Application to develop and deploy Web Interface:
    More over, from the URL of the EM Database Controle Home page you have a Link to open a SQL Worksheet.
    Best regards,
    Edited by: Lubiez Jean-Valentin on Oct 10, 2010 3:38 PM

  • I have a lot of problems with Oracle BI SEE 11g
    1. I upgraded my BI SEE 10 repository and can it openning in offline mode.
    2. I can't deploy my upgraded repository in EM MW Control 11g - when i try to open Farm_bifoundation_domain->Business Intelligence->coreapplication, i get error 'Stream closed
    For more information, please see the server's error log for an entry beggining with: Server Exception during PPR, #41'.
    Opening Logs by EM control doesn't work too.
    in file middlewareuser_projectsdomainsbifoundation_domainserversAdminServerlogsAdminServer.log i see this event:
    <Error> <HTTP> <> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <b639ac3e56e9a463:bd6fa7f:12ac7271e09:-8000-00000000000009e8> <1283408423378> <BEA-101019> <[[email protected][app:em module:/em path:/em spec-version:2.5]] Servlet failed with IOException Stream closed
    Have you any ideas?
    3. Ok, i taking sample repository and adding a new datasource in it:
    Database: Oracle 8i
    Connection pool:
    Call interface OCI 8i/9i
    Data source name:
    (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (Host = oraapp) (Port = 1521) ) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = MYSID) ) )
    This settings are working fine in BI 10.
    In BI 11g i get this funny error: 'The connection has failed'. I lost my time in attempts to connect to Oracle DB 8, but have not results. After that i hacked button 'Query DBMS' at 'Features' tab, pressed it and when get error 'ORA-03134: Connections to this server version are no longer supported.'.
    Therefore Oracle 8 DB as datasource not supported. Am i right?
    4. In sample repository i added oracle DB 10 as datasource, then added two dual tables and their connection to all layers.
    Now i open BI Answers, and trying to create report with one dummy column, Now i have this error:
    View Display Error
    Odbc driver returned an error (SQLExecDirectW).
    Error Details
    Error Codes: OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. [nQSError: 42016] Check database specific features table. Must be able to push at least a single table reference to a remote database (HY000)
    SQL Issued: SELECT s_0, s_1 FROM ( SELECT 0 s_0, 'ORA10G'.'dual'.'dummy' s_1 FROM 'ORA10G' ) djm
    Database features are defaults.
    Does anyone solve this problem?

    Turribeach, Thanks for you time.
    1. It was not a question
    3. Yes, i have read platforms, but not supported datasources. Now i see, that BI 11g support as datasource Oracle DB or higher. I am sorry.
    4. I'm using OCI connection type
    Now i recreate Database in Physical schema and answers is showing report data for me! But only from one table, when i use columns from to tables from one datasource, i geting error:
    Error View Display Error Odbc driver returned an error (SQLExecDirectW). Error Details Error Codes: OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. [nQSError: 46008] Internal error: File server/Utility/Server/DataType/SUKeyCompare.cpp, line 875. (HY000) SQL Issued: SELECT s_0, s_1, s_2 FROM ( SELECT 0 s_0, 'Ora10g'.'hierarchy_obj_cust_v'.'sort_order' s_1, 'Ora10g'.'NSI_SCHEMA'.'SCHEMA_NAME' s_2 FROM 'Ora10g' ) djm
    Edited by: serzzzh on 03.09.2010 3:44

  • Hi,
    I need install RWD Uperform 4.3 on Windows 2008 with Oracle 11G.
    When tried install Uperform 4.3 occurs the next error:
    Product: RWD uPerform Server -- This Release requires Oracle 11.2 R2 ODP Client to be Installed.
    If you are not using Oracle, please use the regular 4.30.0 release.
    If you are using Oracle, please install ODP.NET and then re-run the Setup. Setup will be aborted now.
    I installed the ODP.NET whit the version
    But the errors still occur.
    Marco Kolombesky

    In the end I solved my problem.
    But I installed RWD uperform 4.4 (not 4.3).
    But I think that the problem was that when I installed uperform 4.3 I didn't run this command at DB level on my SQL Server datadabe:
    ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2008R2
    Matteo Stocco

  • Hi !
    I didn't find a forum specific to pro*c, so here i am because i was told this forum had a bit of pro*c activity....
    I've downloaded Oracle 11g and recompiled our applications using pro*c
    We currently precompiling without any problem our sources against Oracle 7, 8, 9, 10.
    With Oracle 11g, it doesn't work !
    every EXEC SQL followed by a command works.
    every EXEC SQL followed by a query generates the same error.
    Example :
    char *oracle_date_courante()
    static char buf[SIZE_ORADATE+1];
    EXEC SQL SELECT sysdate into :buf from DUAL;
    oracle_error('sélection date courante');
    return buf;
    PRO*C output :
    Erreur Ó la ligne 105, colonne 2 dans le fichier srcoracle.pc
    PLS-S-00000, SQL Statement ignored
    erreur sÚmantique Ó la ligne 105, colonne 2, fichier srcoracle.pc:
    PCC-S-02346, PL/SQL a trouvÚ des erreurs sÚmantiques
    So, we investigated... And found that thoses errors come when we use the option sqlcheck=semantics.
    If we use an inferiour check level, it works but because we use PL/SQL keywords, pro*c prints errors and wants us to provide the 'semantics' sqlcheck level !
    So, it's a vicious circle !
    Any ideas ?

    Adding the option common_parser=yes removes the errors !
    But brings errors linked to the PL/SQL parser such like
    CSF-S-00000, ORA-06544: PL/SQL : erreur interne, arguments : [55916], [], [], []
    1>, [], [], [], []
    1>ORA-06553: PLS-801: erreur interne [55916]
    Really vicious..and still not precompiling !
    By the way : Server is and i guess thoses errors are normal since the common parser is not available in this version...
    So bye bye option common_parser and i'm back to my orignals errors.
    Message was edited by:

  • Hi,
    I have an old application that must be compiled with oracle 8.1 and Oracle9i Database.
    We are migrating to Oracle 11g Database, and now we have some inssues to compile with Oracle 11g Database. For example some Libraries that the Tuxedo XA Resource Manager needs from the Oracle Database, that just u can found on older versions like Oracle9i (kpudfo.o file).
    what can be the solution for that problem?
    An Oracle 11g database config or a Tuxedo config ?

    When you say 'Tuxedo XA Resource Manager' I'm not sure what you are referring to. Do you mean the Tuxedo transaction management servers (TMS) servers that are built with the buildtms command? If so, if there are linking errors, it has to do with either your library paths or the RM definition for Oracle Database in the $TUXDIR/udataobj/RM file. Tuxedo itself only uses the XA switch from the resource manager such as Oracle database. Now the resource manager may require a bunch of libraries, which is why I suggested you check your library path. If the above doesn't help, can you post the error you are getting and what is generating/creating the error?
    Todd Little
    Oracle Tuxedo Chief Architect

  • I Installed Oracle 11 g 64bit with JDK 64bit on my windows 7 Home Premium 64bit machine . After this i installed OBIEE .
    Now OBIEE needs 32 bit JDK.
    How do i solve this?
    Can OBIEE be used with oracle 11g 64 bit edition??

    First i installed Oracle 10g on my windows 7 home premium 64 bit .
    Then i installed OBIEE on my machine
    But then there were some problems cropping up and i wasn't able to use OBIEE with windows 7home premium 64 bit machine.
    I then removed both oracle 10g and OBIEE from my machine.
    Then i installed oracle 11g 64bit and then OBIEE . But again it dint work
    Can anyone help?

  • Hi there,
    I've a problem with oracle.jbo.domain.Date,
    I'm doing this code (this part of code is used in my Session Attribute Listener):
    * This method is used to add the session id in the database, whenever user login
    public void attributeAdded(HttpSessionBindingEvent hsbe){
    AmLogin am = (AmLogin)Configuration.createRootApplicationModule(
    hsbe.getSession().setAttribute('login', new Date(new Timestamp(
    am.createLogin(hsbe.getValue().toString(), hsbe.getSession().
    } catch(Exception e){
    System.out.println('Error insert data user: ' + hsbe.getValue());
    } finally{
    Configuration.releaseRootApplicationModule(am, true);
    Everything is running well in Jdev 10.1.3 (I'm using ADF Faces technology), and I'm trying to deploy it on OC4J 10.1.2 and it works. But it raised an error when this part of code is runned.
    --------------caused and error------------------------
    hsbe.getSession().setAttribute('login', new Date(new Timestamp(
    And this is an error:
    javax.faces.FacesException: #{pdt001.loginAction}: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: oracle.jbo.domain.Date.<init>(Ljava/sql/Timestamp;)V at com.sun.faces.application.ActionListenerImpl.processAction( at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCommand.broadcast( at javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot.broadcastEvents( at javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot.processApplication( at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.InvokeApplicationPhase.execute( at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.phase( at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute( at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter( at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter( at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilterImpl._invokeDoFilter( at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilterImpl._doFilterImpl( at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilterImpl.doFilter( at oracle.adf.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilter.doFilter( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter( at com.ahm.filter.AhmFilterSession.doFilter( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (] at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (] at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$ at by: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: oracle.jbo.domain.Date.<init>(Ljava/sql/Timestamp;)V at com.sun.faces.el.MethodBindingImpl.invoke( at com.sun.faces.application.ActionListenerImpl.processAction( ... 23 moreCaused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: oracle.jbo.domain.Date.<init>(Ljava/sql/Timestamp;)V at com.ahm.pdt001.listener.Pdt001AttributeSessionListener.attributeAdded( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.EvermindHttpSession.setAttribute( at com.ahm.pdt001.bean.Pdt001Bean.loginAction( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at com.sun.faces.el.MethodBindingImpl.invoke(
    Does anybody have the same problem like this? I've used the same method in my previous project to create oracle.jbo.domain.Date with current time using java.sql.Timestamp, but I don't know why this error happened.

    Re: oracle jbo.domain.Date issues in 10.1.3

  • A Problem With Oracle-Provided 'Working' Example Using htp.formcheckbox
    I followed the simple steps in the Oracle-provided example:
    Doc ID: Note:116534.1
    Subject: How to use checkbox in webdb for bulk update using webdb report
    However, when I select a checkbox and click on the Update button, I get a 'ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number' error. Please advise. This was a very promising feature.
    Below are step-by-step instructions provided by Oracle to create this 'working' example:
    How to use a checkbox in WEBDB 2.2 report for bulk update.
    This article shows how checkbox can used placed on WEBDB report
    and how to use it.
    The following example to guide through the steps to create a working
    example of this.
    In this example, the checkbox is used to select the records. On clicking
    the update button, the pl/sql procedure is called which will update col1 to
    the string 'OK'.
    After the update is done, the PL/SQL procedure calls the report again.
    Since the report only select records where col1 is null, the updated
    records will not be displayed when the report is called again.
    Step 1 - Create Table
    From Sqlplus, log in as scott/tiger and execute the following:
    drop table chkbox_example;
    create table chkbox_example
    (id varchar2(10) not null,
    comments varchar2(20),
    col1 varchar2(10));
    Step 2 - Insert Test Data
    From Sqlplus, still logged in as scott/tiger , execute the following:
    l_i number;
    for l_i in 1..50 loop
    insert into chkbox_example values (l_i, 'Comments ' || l_i , NULL);
    end loop;
    Step 3 -Create SQL Query based WEBDB report
    Logon to a WEBDB site which has access to the database the above tables are created.
    Create a SQL based Report.
    Name the report :RPT_CHKBOX
    The select statement for the report is :
    select, c.comments, c.col1,
    htf.formcheckbox('p_qty', Tick
    from SCOTT.chkbox_example c
    where c.col1 is null
    In Advanced PL/SQL, (REPORT, Before displaying the form), put the following code
    Step 4 - Create a stored procedure in the database
    Log on to the database as scott/tiger and execute the following to create the
    Note: Replace WEBDB to the appropriate webdb user for your installation.
    In my database, I had installed webdb using WEBDB username, hence user webdb owns
    the packages.
    create or replace procedure chkbox_process
    ( p_request in varchar2 default null,
    p_qty in wwv_utl_api_types.vc_arr ,
    p_arg_names in wwv_utl_api_types.vc_arr ,
    p_arg_values in wwv_utl_api_types.vc_arr
    i number;
    for i in 1..p_qty.count loop
    if p_qty(i) is not null then
    update chkbox_example
    set col1 = 'OK'
    where = p_qty(i);
    end if;
    end loop;
    /* To Call Report again after updating */
    (p_request=>'Run Report',
    p_arg_names=>webdb.wwv_standard_util.string_to_table2(' '),
    p_arg_values=>webdb.wwv_standard_util.string_to_table2(' '));
    There are essentially 2 main modules, The WEBDB report and the pl/sql procedure (chkbox_process)
    A button is created via the advanced pl/sql coding which shows on top of the report. (The
    button cannot be placed at the bottom of the report due to the way WEBDB creates the procedure
    When any button is clicked on the report, it calls the pl/sql procedure chkbox_process.
    The procedure is called , WEBDB always passes the parameters p_request,p_arg_names and o_arg_values.
    p_qty is another parameter that we are passing additionally, This comes from the checkbox created
    using the htf.formcheckbox in the report select statement.
    The pl/sql procedure calls the report again after processing. This is done to
    show how to call the report.
    -The Next and Prev buttons on the report will not work.
    So it is important that the report can fit in 1 page only.
    (This may mean that you will not select(not ticked) 'Paginate' under
    'Display Option' in the WEBDB report. If you do this,
    then in Step 4, remove p_arg_names and p_arg_values as input parameters
    to the chkbox_process)

    If your not so sure you can use the instanceof
    Object o = evt.getSource();
    if (o instanceof Button) {
    Button source = (Button) o;
    I haven't thoroughly read the thread, but I use something like this:if (evt.getSource() someObjRef) {
    // do that voodoo
    ]I haven't looked into why you'd be creating a new reference...

  • i need some help with oracle 11g pivot operator. is it possible to use multiple columns in the FOR clause and then compare it against multiple set of values.
    here is the sql to create some sample data
    create table pivot_data ( country_code number , dept number, job varchar2(20), sal number );
    insert into pivot_data values (1,30 , 'SALESMAN', 5000);
    insert into pivot_data values (1,301, 'SALESMAN', 5500);
    insert into pivot_data values (1,30 , 'MANAGER', 10000);
    insert into pivot_data values (1,301, 'MANAGER', 10500);
    insert into pivot_data values (1,30 , 'CLERK', 4000);
    insert into pivot_data values (1,302, 'CLERK',4500);
    insert into pivot_data values (2,30 , 'SALESMAN', 6000);
    insert into pivot_data values (2,301, 'SALESMAN', 6500);
    insert into pivot_data values (2,30 , 'MANAGER', 11000);
    insert into pivot_data values (2,301, 'MANAGER', 11500);
    insert into pivot_data values (2,30 , 'CLERK', 3000);
    insert into pivot_data values (2,302, 'CLERK',3500);
    using case when I can write something like this and get the output i want
    select country_code
    ,avg(case when (( dept = 30 and job = 'SALESMAN' ) or ( dept = 301 and job = 'SALESMAN' ) ) then sal end ) as d30_sls
    ,avg(case when (( dept = 30 and job = 'MANAGER' ) or ( dept = 301 and job = 'MANAGER' ) ) then sal end ) as d30_mgr
    ,avg(case when (( dept = 30 and job = 'CLERK' ) or ( dept = 302 and job = 'CLERK' ) ) then sal end ) as d30_clrk
    from pivot_data group by country_code;
    country_code D30_SLS D30_MGR D30_CLRK
    1 5250 10250 4250
    2 6250 11250 3250
    what I tried with pivot is like this I get what I want if I have only one ( dept,job) for one alias name. I want to call (30 , 'SALESMAN') or (301 , 'SALESMAN') AS d30_sls. any help how can I do this
    SELECT *
    FROM pivot_data
    PIVOT (SUM(sal) AS sum
    FOR (dept,job) IN ( (30 , 'SALESMAN') AS d30_sls,
    (30 , 'MANAGER') AS d30_mgr,
    (30 , 'CLERK') AS d30_clk
    this is a simple example .... my real life scenario is compliated with more fields and more combinations .... So something like using substr(dept,1,2) won't work in my real case .
    any suggestions get the result similar to what i get in the case when example is really appreciated.

    Sorry, I don't think there's any way to get exactly what you requested. The values you give in the PIVOT ... IN clause are exact values, not alternatives.
    You could do something like this to map all alternatives to a common value:
    WITH got_dept_grp AS
    SELECT country_code, job, sal
    , CASE
    WHEN job IN ('SALESMAN', 'MANAGER') AND dept = 301 THEN 30
    WHEN job IN ('CLERK') AND dept = 302 THEN 30
    ELSE dept
    END AS dept_grp
    FROM pivot_data
    SELECT *
    FROM got_dept_grp
    PIVOT ( AVG (sal)
    FOR (job, dept_grp)
    IN ( ('SALESMAN', 30)
    , ('MANAGER' , 30)
    , ('CLERK' , 30)
    ;In your sample data (and perhaps in your real data), it's about as easy to explicitly define the pivoted groups individually, like this:
    WITH got_pivot_key AS
    SELECT country_code, sal
    , CASE
    WHEN job = 'SALESMAN' AND dept IN (30, 301) THEN 'd30_sls'
    WHEN job = 'MANAGER' AND dept IN (30, 301) THEN 'd30_mgr'
    WHEN job = 'CLERK' AND dept IN (30, 302) THEN 'd30_clrk'
    END AS pivot_key
    FROM pivot_data
    SELECT *
    FROM got_pivot_key
    PIVOT ( AVG (sal)
    FOR pivot_key
    IN ( 'd30_sls'
    , 'd30_mgr'
    , 'd30_clrk'
    ;Thanks for posting the CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements; that really helps!

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